Dr. Paws Pet clinic

General Checkup

Being the first of its kind to provide one stop solution for complete health care of pet animals and allied activities.

Dr. Paws Pet clinic

Home Visits

I believe the veterinary field not only helps animals but also people who care about them.

Dr. Paws Pet clinic

Deworming and Vaccination

Pet Deworming is important for your pet and your family’s health. At Dr. Paws Pet Clinic we will work with you to determine the best protocol to prevent and treat any external or internal parasites that can affect your pet.

Dr. Paws Pet clinic

Emergency Services

A relaxing and family-friendly environment that your pet will love

Dr. Paws Pet clinic

Major & Minor Surgeries

The gold standard of veterinary care; honesty, compassion, and integrity

Dr. Paws Pet clinic

Dermatological Guidance

Diagnostic and compassionate treatment of your best friend.

Dr. Paws Pet clinic

Deworming and Vaccination

Pet Deworming is important for your pet and your family’s health. At Dr. Paws Pet Clinic we will work with you to determine the best protocol to prevent and treat any external or internal parasites that can affect your pet.

Dr. Paws Pet clinic

Nutritional Guidance

I believe the veterinary field not only helps animals but also people who care about them.